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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • v1.2.3 protected Release: v1.2.3
    - fix: dropping stations
    - fix: test environment as DWD kicked station 2388
    - docker: optimize image with timescaledb image instead of postgis
  • v1.2.2 protected Release: v1.2.2
    - config: define utf-8 as default encoding for config files
    - fix: GroupStation(s).create_ts parameter "paras"="n" should be "p", changes create_roger_ts conversion for roger_toolbox
  • v1.2.1 protected Release: v1.2.1
    - fix: filllup linear regression did not take configuration value and therefor did never work
    - config: change LINEAR_INTERPOLATION_LIMIT to be a category
    - cli: add version parameter
    - multiprocessing: make process count configurable through user configuration
    - broker: prevent broker inactivation by other broker
    - broker: add force deactivate all method to forcefully change the database flag of active brokers
  • stable protected
  • v1.2.0 protected
    - fillup: added linear regression method to fillup residual missing values
    - tests: add test rasters and make downloading the rasters a manual job on GitLab as there were many problems
  • v1.1.2 protected
    - add method to download DEM data from OpenTopography-API
    - update StationBase._expand_timeserie_to_period to remove entries that are older than the min_date config to remove unnessecary database entries
    - fix GroupStation.create_ts: don't throw period changed warning if the change was only due to the expand_to_timestamp output
  • v1.1.1 protected
    minor fixes of previous
  • v1.1.0 protected
    - !!rename module from weatherDB to weatherdb to be compliant with PEP 8!!
      So you need to import the module now with `import weatherdb`
    - fix some missing stationN variables to stationsP
    - fix: TimestampPeriod._check_period
    - add basic test for create_ts method
  • v1.0.7 protected
  • v1.0.6 protected
    - add term yearly for every parameter station in the ma_raster table
    - StationMATimeserieRasterQuotientView returns now only quotients for yearly raster values -> before there was an error for precipitation stations
  • v1.0.5 protected
    - fix problem with horizon calculation with holes 
    - fix _check_min_date for non existing stations
    - fix major error in getting multi annual raster values
    - add reason for dropping in log message
    - rename droped to dropped in models
    - add min_date as configuration value
    - check before each update_raw, if the min_date of the configuration is the same as in the database. If not expand or reduce teh timeserie
    - add get_date and get_datetime as methods to config
    - rename config's getlist methode to get_list to be addecuate to the rest
    - set min_date to 1999-01-01
      I did some analysis and if you start earlier, you will only have one to two possible reference station in the radius of 100km from which to fill up data.
    - set max_fillup_distance for p to 110 km, so at least 4 reference stations are available in the range of 1999-today
    - add compression to rotaed log files
    - rename "station_ma_timeseries_quotient_view" to "station_ma_timeseries_raster_quotient_view"
    - fixed StationMATimeserieRasterQuotientView to not throw error on NULL values in StationMARaster
    - add update_ma_timeseries method to StationsBase and Broker
  • v1.0.4 protected
    -fix vacuum Brokers method and add test
  • v1.0.3 protected
    - add tests cases for database schema upgrade and downgrade
    - remove all views before database schema upgrade is done
    - fix small error on downloading meta from dwd
  • v1.0.2 protected
    - make Broker not block itself if multiple `with self.is_any_active` are concatenated
    - fix check_df_raw:
      - conversion before 2000 was wrong UTC+1 -> UTC was UTC-1 -> UTC
      - when the DWD timeserie has duplicate entries, there was an error, even though the causing columns are not used here
    - derive version from git tags
    - cli: set_db_version asks for confirmation
    - create_db_schema gets option to define the database owner of the tables and schemas
    - change amount of charachters for settings values to work with longer versions
    - get meta explanations from orm models not from database comments
    - create user config has now an option to define what to do on existing configuration files
    - alembic database connection is now possible through alembic section in the user configuration file.
    - add broker method and cli option to upgrade the database schema
    - add function to query the quotients between the timeseries kinds or between the timeseries mean and the multi annual raster value
  • v1.0.1 protected
  • v1.0.0 protected
    fe970a98 · fix readthedocs ·
  • v0.0.40 protected
  • v0.0.38 protected
  • v0.0.37 protected
  • v0.0.34 protected