Diese Instanz von GitLab ist Pre-Release und noch nicht offiziell als Dienst freigeschaltet.

This GitLab instance is pre-release and not an officially announced service.

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- fix problem with horizon calculation with holes 
- fix _check_min_date for non existing stations
- fix major error in getting multi annual raster values
- add reason for dropping in log message
- rename droped to dropped in models
- add min_date as configuration value
- check before each update_raw, if the min_date of the configuration is the same as in the database. If not expand or reduce teh timeserie
- add get_date and get_datetime as methods to config
- rename config's getlist methode to get_list to be addecuate to the rest
- set min_date to 1999-01-01
  I did some analysis and if you start earlier, you will only have one to two possible reference station in the radius of 100km from which to fill up data.
- set max_fillup_distance for p to 110 km, so at least 4 reference stations are available in the range of 1999-today
- add compression to rotaed log files
- rename "station_ma_timeseries_quotient_view" to "station_ma_timeseries_raster_quotient_view"
- fixed StationMATimeserieRasterQuotientView to not throw error on NULL values in StationMARaster
- add update_ma_timeseries method to StationsBase and Broker